Cook it / Belgian butter waffles

Hi there! Today is a great day, and I am sooo happy to share with you guys the new foodies column on the blog, and honored to introduce you to my dear Belgian friend; Xavier. He will be sharing (with the help of his kids, the cutest of all!) some awesome recipes with us from time to time. First up is one of his very favorite recipe of all time, and I can tell, it tastes delicious ! Believe me, Belgians know how to cook !  -M



As kids, we all had colors, odors, flavours that marked our memories. That’s the reason for me to share this recipe as my very first on the blog. Not only did this recipe marked my childhood, but it comes from my grand-mother who taught it to my mother, who then taught me.

It is the perfect companion for a comforting glass of milk on the couch while watching a great movie or simply to accompany a good coffee with friends. Here is how to cook the butter waffles:

  • 500g flour (1 lb)
  • 375g sugar
  • 6 eggs
  • 250g butter (1/2 lb)
  • 2 sachets vanilla-flavored sugar
  • A waffle iron
  • Beat the eggs in the mixer with the sugar.
  • Gradually add the flour.
  • Melt the butter and add it to the mixture.
  • Bake in the waffle iron until golden.

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Hope you enjoy your cooking and snacking ! Have a great monday!


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